EWAM 2019
San Jose, Costa Rica

19th March to 23th March 2019

Our schedule

Saturday, May 23


The E-waste Academy for Managers 2019 took place in Costa Rica, on 19-22 March. It was organized by SCYCLE, still under the umbrella of the United Nations University, as part of a broader initiative – managed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with the financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The overall project aimed at strengthening national initiatives and enhancing regional cooperation for the environmentally sound management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Waste of Electrical or Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the Latin American Countries.

In this context, the EWAM provided a regional forum for different stakeholders, including representatives of governments, policy makers, industry managers etc., to offer practical skills in the design and implementation of e-waste management solutions. The EWAM participants had the unique opportunities to exchange existing practices, discuss challenges and develop a better informed decision-making process in this field.

With presentations from renowned international e-waste experts, participants learnt about:

  • Basic foundations and principle of e-waste, policy management and legislation
  • Foundation and knowledge on EPR and financing systems
  • Compliance and enforcement (regulatory approaches to enforcement of national and international legislation, including transboundary shipments and integrating the informal sector)
  • Identification of critical/hazardous and common fractions obtained from e-waste.


Daniel Ott

Manager Latin America at Reverse Logistics Group (RLG)

Daniel Ott has a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from ETH Zurich and an MBA from Quantic School for Business and Technology.

He has more than 18 years of experience working with and in Latin America. Since 2006 he has been dedicated to the issue of the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in developing countries, with a special focus on Latin America.

Between 2008 and 2013 he was Project Director of the “Swiss e-Waste Program Latin America”, implemented by Empa and financed by the Swiss Cooperation SECO. In 2014 he participated as an expert consultant in the formulation of the UNIDO PREAL project in Latin America. Since 2013 he is the Manager Latin America of Reverse Logistics Group (RLG), providing support to the electronics industry for environmental legal compliance and the implementation of WEEE collection systems.

Edgar Fernando Erazo Camacho

Eco-Computo, Latin-America

Fernando Díaz Barriga


Floria Roa Gutierrez

Description coming soon

Heinz Boeni

Head of research Group "Critical Materials and Re-source Efficiency", Empa

Heinz Böni has a degree in Rural and Environmental Engineering from ETH Zürich with postgraduate stud-ies in Water Supply and Wastewater Management. (He worked as a scientist, in development cooperation and more than 10 years as engineer and consultant in Waste and Resources Management in Switzerland.)

At Empa he is head of the research group CARE – Critical Materials and Resource Efficiency.

His scope of work covers research in WEEE recycling, auditing WEEE recy-cling companies and capacity building in WEEE man-agement in developing countries.

Katharina Lenz

Quality Management and R&D,
DRZ Vienna

Born in Vienna, Austria. Grew up in Argentina, Portugal, Sweden, Brazil, and Austria. Studied Architecture in Rio de Janeiro and Vienna, and Arts & Cultural Theory in Linz. 10 years’ experience in project work (conception, development, management, dissemination) in art and socio-political intervention.

Since 2015 at DRZ Vienna (Dismantling and Recycling Centre), a socio-economic enterprise for WEEE treatment; now in the position for…

 Quality Management and R&D, developing awareness raising and training materials around WEEE.

Lucía Herreras Martínez

Technical Director of the WEEE Forum since 2013

Lucía Herreras Martínez ha trabajado para el sector de los RAEE como consultora y auditora desde el año 2003. En 2013 se incorporó al WEEE Forum como Directora Técnica. El WEEE Forum es una asociación internacional de SIGs de RAEEs que cuenta con 35 miembros asociados en 28 países.

Esta asociación sin ánimo de lucro y con base en Bruselas, lleva desde el 2002 promoviendo la economía circular y ayudando a sus socios a compartir ideas y conocimientos para…

alcanzar la excelencia en sus actividades.

El WEEE Forum ha participado y participa en proyectos clave como el proyecto WEEELABEX o el proyecto Countering WEEE Illegal Trade y contribuye activamente al debate internacional sobre la gestión de los RAEEs.

Marcos Batista Cotovia Pimentel

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Nicolo Cesar Eugenio Gligo Saenz

Oficial de Asuntos Económicos de la Unidad de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de las Naciones Unidas (CEPAL)

Profesional con más de 20 años de experiencia en el diseño e implementación de políticas de desarrollo productivo y empresarial, incluyendo atracción de inversiones, promoción de exportaciones e innovación y desarrollo tecnológico. Se ha desempeñado en diferentes posiciones de responsabilidad en el sector público chileno y ha trabajado como consultor de organismos internacionales.

Actualmente se desempeña como Oficial de Asuntos Económicos de la Unidad de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de las Naciones Unidas (CEPAL). Es ingeniero civil industrial y magíster en la misma especialidad de la Universidad de Chile, y magíster en gestión tecnológica del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT).

Pablo Hernandez

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Sandra Mendez

Ecopartner, CH

Civil Engineer and PhD from the Javeriana University, Colombia; and MSc. In Civil Engineering with emphasis on Solid Waste Management from de University of Los Andes, Colombia.

She has more than 17 years of professional experience as a professor, researcher, project director and consultant on the topics of sustainability and solid waste management. In 2006 she started to develop projects…

in Colombia in which different participatory methods were applied and through their combination evolved as the concept of systemic design. As PhD student, she had the opportunity to support and advise the National Committee for WEEE management in the design of the National Policy on WEEE Management in Colombia (2014-2015), applying the systemic design.

Stephanie Adrian

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Stephanie Adrian began her career at EPA in the Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) in May 1999. 

Her first 10 years were spent working with drinking water authorities in Central America developing safe drinking water programs with USAID funding. She also engaged with government officials in Latin America, Africa and India to help them improve their urban drinking water systems using a WHO

risk assessment methodology called Water Safety Plans which led to establishment of WSP networks in Latin America and Africa. She collaborated closely with OW and ORD to carry out this work. After 10 years, she began working on international policies and efforts related to toxic chemicals, waste and marine pollution issues. For the past 10 years, she has been OITA’s lead on global policy issues related to electronic waste, including the National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship, the Basel Convention and the Land Based Sources Protocol for marine protection in the Wider Caribbean. She has collaborated closely with RCSD and ITB for numerous years and did a Skills Marketplace detail with RCSD in 2016. She has an undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Hygiene. Her interest in environmental health originated during her two years spent living and working as a Peace Corps Volunteer in impoverished communities in the Dominican Republic where she developed and implemented various health and sanitation programs.

Victoria Rudin

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