The STRIKE Project1  

STRIKE Training Manual

The STRIKE Project has developed a Training Manual to strengthen capacities of authorities involved in addressing illegal trade and production of mercury-added products, as well as illegal trade and management of problematic waste streams.

The training materials comprises 3 parts:

1. the Trainers’ Manual describing the proposed training methodology, the objectives and some related activities and exercises

2. the Participants’ Handbook providing a comprehensive overview of information that is relevant the enforcement of waste crime.

3. the Annex with suggested Handouts and the possible PowerPoint Slides.

The access to the Training Manual is restricted to law enforcement authorities.

You can request access by sending an email to: or

(Content protected)

STRIKE Materials

The WasteForce PROJECT2

Waste Force Project

For more informations on the WasteForce Website please click here:

Waste Crime Alerts

All 8 Waste Crime Alerts
(February 2019 – December 2020)



Waste Crime Prosecution Guidance (July 2020),
also available in Cantonese, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese


Operational Networking EU-Asia Pacific

Assessment of Information Exchange Mechanisms:
Needs and Possibilities
(February 2020)

Assessment of Information Exchange Mechanisms:
Underused Information Exchange Mechanisms Used in Case of Illegal Shipments (February 2020)

WasteForce training materials (24-26 February 2021),
also available in Cantonese, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.


The UNWASTE Project


More informations about the Unwaste project on

Trendspotting Alerts

Unwaste Trendspotting Alert No. 1 – Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

Unwaste Trendspotting Alert No. 4 – Paper and cardboard waste

Unwaste Trendspotting Alert No. 6 – Hazardous waste 

  1. The STRiKE project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP-2018-AG-OC-869173) and coordinated by the University of Limerick.
  2. The WasteForce project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police (ISFP/2017/AG/ENV/821345) and coordinated by the IMPEL Network.